STATS 32: Final Project & Proposal

Click here for a PDF version of the final project guidelines.

Final Project (80%)

To demonstrate your understanding of the material we have covered, you will perform a data analysis project in R. You may choose to do a project on your own or with one other teammate. (If working with a teammate, only one person has to submit the work. The names and SUNet IDs of both teams should be clearly labeled.)

Here are the project minimum requirements:

While your analysis should not be too skimpy, it does not have to be comprehensive either. Take a look at the links below for examples of what the final project could look like, as well as ideas for datasets which you might want to work on.

Project Proposal (20%)

For the project proposal, submit a 1-2 paragraph description of your final project. You should provide details on the problem you wish to explore, any datasets that you will use, and potential visualizations. The proposal is a way for me to make sure that you have enough structure and data to complete the project.

The project proposal should be submitted as a text file (any format will do).

In implementing your final project, you should try to stick as closely to your proposal as possible. If you are unable to do so, please provide a paragraph in your final project to explain the deviations from the proposal.

Grading & Deadlines

Both the project proposal and final project should be submitted through Canvas.

The project proposal is due by Oct 16 (Wed), 23:59:59 and is worth 20%.

The final project is due by Nov 2 (Sat), 23:59:59 and is worth 80%.

For each late day, a multiplicative penalty factor of 0.8 will be applied. Work that is submitted more than 2 days after the due date will receive 0 points. If you foresee that you may have difficulty meeting these deadlines, please come and speak with me immediately.

What might the final project look like?

Here are some examples of good student projects from previous runs of this class:

Here are some examples that I found online which would fit what I'm looking for in a final project:

I don't really have ideas for what data to use...

Here are some ideas for datasets that you might want to explore:

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